Comments Policy
Stay on-topic: stick to the subject of the blog you are commenting on. Off-topic comments (even if reasonable, polite and interesting) will be removed. Comments which contain links to inappropriate, irrelevant or commercial sites may also be deleted.
Advance the discussion: provide links to useful resources. It can be difficult for readers to sift out good sources, so we ask that you do your best to provide a link to a relevant source to back up statements or arguments you’re making. Not doing this might mean your comment gets edited or deleted.
Keep it focused: There’s a maximum length of 100 words per comment. Beyond that the comment system will truncate you!
Be polite: comments which contain swearing or which abuse other participants in the debate will be deleted. Particularly: No ad hominem attacks: vigorous debate is fine, but not personal attacks or accusations.
Please also see the website Terms and Conditions, the Website Privacy Policy , as well as the commenting guide.
The EPPI Centre reserves the right to delete or edit users comments in order to enforce this policy. Anyone who violates this Comments Policy may be blocked from commenting on this blog. We are open to criticism, but will not tolerate abuse. If you wish to raise an issue, please contact the blog editors.