The Sof Omar Caves are a fifteen kilometer long system of underground cavities in the Bale area, in the Oromia region, in south-eastern Ethiopia.
The Uèb Géstro river flows in the depths of the limestone rocks near Ayiew Maco and reappears after 1500 meters at the resurgence under the natural bridge of Ulùca.
According to tradition, Sof Omar is the name of a Muslim holy man who lived in the area and Ayiew is the name of his daughter. Maco and Holuca are the local language terms for “name” and “cave”. The place is a sacred place for both Muslims and Oromos who follow a traditional religion.
The other dominant feature is a large collapse sinkhole, 100 meters wide and 60 meters deep, located on the basalt plateau directly above the cave.The site has been included in the list of nominations for the list of world heritage sites.The place is still a destination for pilgrimages and a place of worship.
Access : Coordinates: 6.906306, 40.844889 /
Go next : Bale Mountains National Park , a national park in the Bale Mountains and Sanetti Plateau of the Ethiopian Highlands.