Ceara is a state in Northeast Brazil. certain regions have developed almost beyond recognition over the last 20 years, mostly from tourism and light manufacturing.
The population is closing in on 9 million, of which almost a third lives in the capital, Fortaleza. The coast is quite different from the inland. While the state features a range of nice beaches, including a few of countrywide fame, the only developed destination further in is Guaramiranga.
Cities : 1 Aquiraz , 2 Aracati , 3 Camocim , the most well preserved fishing village in the region. 4 Caninde , 5 Canoa Quebrada Excellent nightlife and more sandstone cliffs – 2.5 hours east of Fortaleza) , 6 Caucaia , 7 Crateus , 8 Cumbuco is known as one of the best places in the world for kitesurfing. Eusebio – On the outskirts of Fortaleza. 9 Fortaleza , 10 Guaramiranga , Icarai (Ceara) , 11 Iguape , 12 Jericoacoara Rated among Brazil’s top beaches. 13 Jijoca , 14 Juazeiro do Norte , -deep inland. 15 Paracuru , another small cearense beach village slowly growing into a tourist destination. 16 Redencao , 17 Russas -center of an agricultural region. 18 Sobral , 19 Tiangua , 20 Ubajara
Other destinations : Prea , wide open beach (12km) the most reliable kitesurfing playground on earth between mid. july to mid. january.
Ubajara National Park (Caves and Waterfalls in the interior of Ceara 5.5 hours West of Fortaleza)
Access : Coordinates: -5.08, -39.65 / Get around : Good bus connection along the main highway, with Fortaleza as the obvious hub. Scarcer to smaller town, especially at night.
The only air travel worth considering within the state is to between the capital and Juazeiro do Norte.
Highlights :
- Guaramiranga Mountains . Canoa Quebrada Beach (in Aracati) / Morro Branco
- Praia Do Futuro / Jericoacoara Beach (profiled on E! Network’s Wild On! series in 2000)
Itineraries - Travel by beach buggy along the coast from Fortaleza to Natal, stopping in Canoa Quebrada and a couple of other spots. Typically 4 days, can be arranged with many travel agencies in both ends.
- West from Fortaleza there are many nice beaches before hitting the most famed, Jericoacoara. Or you could stop by Sobral to get a feel of the inland.
- Camocim is the Brazilian fishing village, almost on the border of Piaui.
Activities : Due to its constant breezes and otherwise stable climate, Ceara has slowly conquered the fame of Kite Surfing Paradise. Most of the coast is suitable, but the prime destinations are Cumbuco, followed by Flecheiras.
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