Bengtskar lighthouse is located in the Archipelago Sea about 25 kilometers south west of Hanko, Finland.
The lighthouse was built in 1906 on the Bengtskar skerry where it rises 52 meters above sea level and is the highest one in the Nordic countries. The lighthouse had been planned for some time, but after the steamer s/s Helsingfors ran aground in 1905 in the vicinity en route from Lubeck to Helsinki resulting in several crew members trapped and drowned on board, the project gained urgency and was completed during the following year. Soviet troops stationed in Hanko during the Continuation War, disturbed by a Finnish observation post in the light house tried to blow up and destroy the lighthouse during the Battle of Bengtskar in 1941.
These days Bengtskar lighthouse is a popular tourist destination and is visited annually by roughly 13 000 to 15 000 tourists. There are some hotel rooms, and a sauna made of granite.
Access : Coordinates :59.7235, 22.499389 / Waterbuses for Bengtskar depart from Hanko and KASNAS. Location :Bengtskar Oy Rosala & Bengtskar Matkavaraamo Reimarintie 5, 25950 Rosala, FINLAND , At the entrance to the Gulf of Finland, 30 kilometers southwest of Hanko / In addition to the tour boats, you can come to Bengtskar by chartered transport. You can freely schedule the timetable according to your own wishes and needs.
The following boats have Kimitoon as their home harbour: Bjorknas Care, M/S Martta II for 11 passengers , Kasnas Venetaxi, M/S Ida for 10 passengers and M/S Ida II for 20 passengers
Taalintehtaan Meriliikenne, M/S Alva for 21 passengers and M/S Ocean for 33 passengers
Wilson Charter, M/S Minandra for 40 passengers M/S Sissel for 80 passengers
The following boats have Hanko as their home harbor: SunFun, M/S Panda for 20 passengers , Marine Lines, M/S Summersea for 155 passengers ,
Turku as its home harbour: Rosita Ab, M/S Lily for 200 passengers
By Helicopter : There is an official landing site on the island, but you must always agree on the landing with the chief of Bengtskar heliport,
Services : There are six rooms with a total of 24 beds. / Sauna and bathing water , Meeting rooms , Coffee and dining . Hours : In May and September, the lighthouse is open by arrangement, and in the summer it is open daily 10.00-19.00. Fees : fee is 8,00 euro/adult and 4,00 euro/child (4-14 year old).
Go next : Hanko is Finland’s southernmost city. / Karis via picturesque Ekenäs