The Arch of Time – Arco del Tiempo is a natural stone arch 180 meters high, one of the largest in the world of its kind, located in the canyon of the river La Venta de Cintalapa de Figueroa, Chiapas, in the state of Chiapas,Mexico.
The canyon is an 80-kilometre-long ravine with walls up to 400 meters high and narrows at times as short as ten meters and more than 80 million years old. In it you can find caves and waterfalls on its walls and viewpoints. This arch was formally discovered in 1989 by Italian explorers.
During a tour it is possible to appreciate waterfalls, caves, points of sightings and appreciate the capricious relief that can create narrow corridors of up to 10 meters.
Access : Coordinates: 16.94155,-93.73316 / Once in Cintalapa, you will have to take the Sayula highway to travel another hour until you reach the General Cárdenas community where your adventure will begin to see the incredible Arch.
Highlights :
- The Arco del Tiempo de Cintalapa is located inside the El Ocote Biosphere Reserve, so nature remains intact and it is possible to appreciate a wealth of unique plants and animals.
- In the La Venta River Canyon, is the highest natural arch on the planet, 180 meters high, 255 m. long and 35 m. Wide.
- There are also more than 400 caves with planimetric visits of up to 13 km. Such is the case of the cave of La Venta del Río, considered the second largest in the State of Chiapas.
- Another way to get to this incredible place is by using kayaks to tour the entire Rio La Venta el Arco del tiempo.
- Admission fee: $135 Guide + Helper: $400, Help with loading things: $200 ,Horse Tour: $200
Go next : Tuxtla Gutiérrez , the capital and the largest city of the Mexican southeastern state of Chiapas.