Bochorna is a highland village in Akhmet municipality, Gometsri valley, on the southern slope of the Makratela ridge, in Georgia.
Bochorna located in the Tusheti district of the Akhmeta municipality, on the southern slope of the Makratela mountain range, on the left bank of the Tusheti Alazani River.
Bochorna village of Tusheti is the highest populated place in Europe. It is located at an altitude of 2345 meters above sea level.
The title of the highest inhabited settlement in Europe was acquired after the now 80-year-old doctor Irakli Khvedaguridze returned to the village as a permanent resident in 2009. To mark that Bochorna is the highest settlement in Europe, a reference sign was erected in the village 4 years ago. This recognition will increase the awareness of the village of Bochorna, the interest in Gometsri valley and it will give the opportunity to attract more tourists to Tusheti.
Access : Coordinates: 42.4025, 45.586389 /
Highlights :
- The village is isolated for several months in winter, sometimes it is difficult to find paths through the mountains and the horse trail is only marked in some places. To get to the final destination, a 4×4 vehicle is simply necessary, Some company’s offers private tours in the area.
- The road to Tusheti runs through a picturesque serpentine high in the mountains, Tourists usually stop at a weather station at an altitude of 2,826 meters, which offers stunning views of the mountain ranges.
- At the largest village in Tusheti , Omalo , there are several cozy guest houses to choose from.
- This region itself is a huge natural attraction, where you can find literally everything: deep rivers with trout, waterfalls falling from the edges of the mountains, smooth ridges covered with thick forest caps , glaciers and some amazing hikes.
Go next : Bochorna located 12 kilometers from the village of Omalo, the center of Tusheti / Shenako village / Dartlo village.