Odense is a city on the Danish island of Funen. It forms the center of the municipality Odense, Syddanmark Region .
The third largest city in the country is bishopric of the Diocese of Funen and is home to the main campus of the University of Southern Denmark.
Odense is the third city in Denmark and is centrally located on the island of Funen in the middle of Denmark. This makes Odense the most central place in the country.
The city is best known because Hans Christian Andersen was born and raised there. Much in the city reminds us of that , and the Danish painter Arthur Nielsen (1883-1946).
There has been human settlement in the Odense area for over 4,000 years, although the name was not mentioned in writing until 988, and by 1070, it had already grown into a thriving city. Canute IV of Denmark, generally considered to be the last Viking king, was murdered by unruly peasants in Odense’s St Alban’s Priory on 10 July 1086. Although the city was burned in 1249 following a royal rivalry, it quickly recovered and flourished as a centre of commerce in the Middle Ages.
Since 1355, the city has the rights of a trading city. The city grew considerably in importance as a result of the arrival of Queen Christine and her court around 1500. For 5 years, from 1654 to 1658, the city was also the capital of Denmark. At the end of the 18th century, the canal and the port were expanded, and the industrialization of the city began.
Since 1956, the Hans Christian Andersen Prize has always been awarded in the city on April 2, the poet’s birthday. From 1970 to 2007 Odense was the county capital of Fyn’s office.
Access : Coordinates: 55.395833, 10.388611 / The island of Funen on which Odense is located is connected on the west side with Jutland by the Little Belt Bridge , this bridge is free and on the east side with Zealand by the Great Belt Bridge ,at this one have to pay toll, which was around 28 euros at the end of 2007. / By car :
The city lies on the E30 between Jutland and Copenhagen and is therefore on an important main route in the middle of Denmark. This also makes Odense easily accessible by car from the Netherlands and Belgium./
By train :
Odense is easily accessible by train from the west (Jutland), from the east (Zealand) and from Svendborg. Intercity trains stop in Odense. From Copenhagen, for example, an intercity train goes to Odense in 1 hour and 20 minutes. There are also express trains that call at more intermediate stations. The train from Svendborg is a slow train. Once a day, at 8:20 am, a night train from the Netherlands and Germany arrives in Odense. Boarding places are Amsterdam, Utrecht and Arnhem. Travelers from Belgium are fastest in Odense via Cologne in Germany.
By air : Hans Christian Andersen” Airport (IATA: ODE). The airport has national and international air connections, although these have been reduced with the opening of the Great Belt Bridge. In the summer season, numerous routes are available to / from several destinations.
Highlights :
- The Hans Christian Andersen Museum , Bangs Boder 29. Daily 10:00-17:00. A museum dedicated to the city’s most famous son, author and poet Hans Christian Andersen
– Odense ZOO , Sdr. Boulevard 306, Open : 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , Odense ZOO has been elected the best zoo in Europe , You can enter the zoo from a boat on Odense
– Egeskov Castle , Egeskov Gade 18, Odense 5772, Egeskov Castle is located near Kværndrup , in the south of the island of Funen, Denmark. The castle is Europe’s best preserved Renaissance water castle. - The Danish Railway Museum , Dannebrogsgade 24, Open today: 10:00 am – 4:00 pm , 21 tracks featuring iconic engines and carriages. Look inside the royal carriages.
- Brandts – Museum for art & visual culture , Brandts Torv 1, Open :N/A , Brandts is Denmarks first museum for art and visual culture. Here we present more than 10 exhibitions a year with new and classic art side by side with the popular images of the present. With a collection of more than 15.000 classic artworks.
- Odense Cathedral – Sct. Knuds Church , Klosterbakken 2, Open : N/A , Great park outside with thw statue of Hans Christian Andersen. Relaxing place just right beside the church.It is named after the king Canute the Holy, who was murdered here in 1086. His bones are on display in the crypt. King Hans and Christian II are also buried in Odense Cathedral.The Cathedral, St. Knuds, was built in the 1300s. It is a Gothic cathedral with a bright, high nave. Many consider this to be the finest Gothic building in Denmark.
- Terrariet , Kirkehelle 5, Vissenbjerg, Open: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , Terrariet Reptile Zoo is a specialized zoo with one of Scandinavia’s largest collection of reptiles and amphibians.
- The Funen Village , Sejerskovvej 20, Open:N/A , outdoor Museum – a village from the time of Hans Christian Andersen, where everyday life is as it was in a 19th century Funen rural environment.
- Hans Christian Andersen Birthplace , Hans Jensens Straede 45, Open : 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , Hans Christian Andersen was born in 1805 in a small yellow corner house in the poorest part of Odense.The house where he was born gives a feel for the humble and cramped conditions that surrounded him as a young child
- Afgrunden Ved Vissenbjerg , Lergyden 4, Vissenbjerg, Walking track including forrest, lake, river and meadows, There are 3 routes you can do (red 2,5km blue 3 km and green 7km).free shelter available
- Odense Bunker Museum , Kragsbjergvej 99, Cold War experience , The bunker was built for non-military use during the Cold War era, the museum seems to be only open on Saturdays and Sundays.Reserve at least 2 hours for your visit
- The Time Collection , Farvergaarden 7, 3rd Floor, Open : 10:00 am – 4:00 pm , This small museum is located on a 3rd floor in a building in Brand’s area , with fascinating details of danish homes starting from first decade of 1900s
- Hans Christian Andersens Childhood Home , Munkemoellestraede 3, Odense 5000, Open : 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , home which provided him with inspiration for many of his fairytales. Come and sense the really special atmosphere.
- Montergarden Museum , Moentestraede 1, Open: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , culture-historical museum Montergarden, where the old houses and picturesque courtyards look as they did in Andersen’s age.a miniature urban environment from the 19th century with hens, water pump, clothes to dress up in and other fun activities. Also included.
- Odense City Hall , Vestergade 2, Odense’s City Hall (‘Radhus’ in Danish) isn’t as old as its swallow-tail merlons, single or double arched windows and other characteristics. It was designed in the early 1880s by architects Johan Daniel Herholdt (1918-1902) and Carl Lendorf (1839-1918) in a historicist style inspired by Italian medieval buildings such as the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena.
- Munke Mose Gardens , beaufiful park on the south side of Odense , There is a boat tour that stops at the Odense Zoo and returns .Park with great outdoor activities for kids
- Ladbyskibet , Vikingevej 123, Open: N/A , Small museum with site of the burial ship , The remains of the viking ship (about 21.5 m long and 3 m long) are displayed where it was found underneath the burial mound,Together with the king, horses, dogs and numerous items for the afterlife were buried and you still can see the bones and the artifacts in clear detail.
- The Tinderbox-Fyrtoejet- Montestraede 1, Open: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm , talking lizards,Goblins. Elves, Bone-horses,Will-o’-the-wisps , opportunity to enjoy Hans Christian Andersen’s stories and then role play the story as well as adapt it and create your own. There’s a craft room where children have access to a wide range of materials and craft tools : Super activities for kids!
- Hans Christian Andersen Gardens , the Gardens is the Hans Christian Andersen House , place for picnics or walk-through also the park is the base for small Theatre productions of snippets of his Fairytales.
- Vissenbjerg Kirke , Vestergade 6A, Vissenbjerg, Odense 5492, Vissenbjerg Church is Funen’s largest and highest situated village church located 114.15 m above sea level in the middle of Vissenbjerg Sogn. Around 1150, a wooden church was erected here with a small apse of stone in Romanesque style.
- Stige O , Ostre Kanalvej 7, Beautifull small island next to Odense , a nature / activity area with eg. a mountain bike track, playground and plenty of facilities for those who want to stay overnight in the open air.
- King’s Garden , Kongens Have,park in the center of town,The city of Odense hosted the ITU Worlds Triathlon competion in this park .
- The Tin Soldier , Overgade 19, Odense ,Attractive statue ,The Tin Soldier being the H. C. Andersen character is located on the street near the center of town.
- Hans Christian Andersen Statue , H.C. Andersen Haven, Odense , near the center or town A very nice statue of Hans Christian Andersen easily see this on a walking tour of the downtown area.
- Hans Christian Andersen on Bench ,Claus Bergs Gade 7, Odense , nice to stop for a photo
- Emperors New Clothes , Brandts Passage 10, in the back street at the centre of Odense. bronze sculpture group (1988) by Danish sculptor Keld Moseholm is one of the many references to the work of writer H.C. Andersen, The scene represented shows the emperor among others
- Odins Odense , Store Klaus 40, Open:N/A , Discover our living past in a village that shows life in the Iron Age and the Viking Age.
- Sct. Albani Church , Adelgade 1, 19th century Danish Church , Baroque architecture with Wood carvings Southern Tyrol , stain?glass paintings and the four church bells come from Germany.
- The Romantic Gardens Sanderumgaard , Sanderumgaardvej 150, Open: N/A , Perfect for picnic , for more than 20 people You can get a guided tour.
- City Square , Flakhaven 2, typical city square surrounded by the city hall, and the cathedral , linked to the wonderful maze of pedestrianized shopping streets.
- The Paper Boat , H.C. Andersen Haven, representation of the paper boat from the steadfast tin soldier.This is part of the H.C Anderson fairy tale route.
- Hollufgard ,Hestehaven 201, Open : 9:00 am – 3:00 pm , well-laid park and forest, almost without being disturbed. Good art all around.
- Oceania , Flakhaven 2,a naked reclining manly woman on the square in front of the City Hall
- Sct. Hans Church , Hans Jensens Straede 2, The church was founded as an old abbey church, in the end 1500’th century.
- The Sheperdess and the Chimney Sweep , Kongensgade 1, sculptural composition in the middle of Odense , “In HC Andersen’s footsteps” Remember to look up!!
- Odense Slot , Noerregade 36, Odense Castle, which is located in Kongens Have in Odense, has roots back in the 13th century. Since the Reformation, the castle has been the administrative center of Odense, first as a resident’s residence, then as a county councilor, governor’s residence and municipal administrative center.
- The Flying Suitcase , Jernbanegade 8, It’s a sculptor , work of 1991 by Danish sculptor Jens Flemming Sorensen. It shows the trunk in which the young man in the eponymous tale travels to the ‘Land of the Turks’,
- Skovsoen , Skovalleen 99, park for walk and bike trip ,includes a river and beautiful small waterfall through the woods
- Odenses Old Railway Station , Oestre Stationsvej 33, A museum with old steam trains , The old railway station served as the city’s station from 1914 to the late 90s.The architect Heinrich Wenck was reportedly inspired by this design after the main facade of Odense Castle.
- The School for the Poor , Paaskestraede 3, At the H.C.Andersen’s footsteps around town and This is where H.C. Andersen went to school.
- Carl Nielsen’s Barndomshjem , Odensevej 2A,quite small if you like Carl Nielsens music : Composer Carl Nielsen’s childhhood home (not birthplace) ,
- Museum of Photographic Art , Brandts Torv 1, Open :N/A , exhibits from abroad as well as excelent shows,work there by African, Japanese, Brazilian, and US photographers.
- Promenadebyen , The promenade town is clearly a must-see in the new Odense , All Promenadebyens buildings are named with inspiration from sailing.
- Kanute the Holy , I. Vilh. Werners Plads 11, A very cool bronze statue of Canute Sage, King and martyr, Close to the Town Hall and the Cathedral
- Thumbelina , Sortebroedre Torv 1, a statue , Sculpture by Lotte Olsen. The bronze sculpture was unveiled in 1994 and is part of a series of sculptures with fairy tale motifs.
- The Danish Media Museum , The Danish Media Museum will continue to host lectures, events and everything in between.
- The Wild Swans ,Munke Mose 1, Sculpture , This sculpture was revealed on the 150th anniversary of H.C. Andersen’s birth.
- Fyens Vaeddelobsbane , Prins Haralds Alle 51B, The only race track with gallop and trotting runs.
- The Woman with the Eggs , Kongensgade 30, statue by contemporary artist Hanne Varming , The titel refers to a poem by H.C. Andersen.
- Sortebroedre Torv , Sortebroedre Torv 2, Square , with historic buildings. Nearby is also the House of HC Andrersen.
- Bellinge Church , Kirkelundvej 18A, built around 1300 Church in Gothic style with lovely fresco paintings
- H. C. Andersen sculpture in the harbor , Gamle Havnekaj 3, the sculpture is half gone under the surface of the water.
- The Mer Stallion , Ved slusebroen, a statue that is situated in the water by the park ,
- Monastery Gardens , Skt Knuds Kloster, In the middle of Odense behind the Cathedral and close to the center you find Klosterhaven by Sct. Knuds , the garden, which was designed in the 1920s by the P.Sorensen and designed as a monastery garden.
- Art Gallery Filosoffen , Filosofgangen 30, local and national design exhibitions, creative meeting-place for pictorials, design and the exchange of ideas.
- Frydenlund , Hole Skovvej 50, bird zoo , lots of different birds / European Automobile Museum , Fraugde-Kaerby-Vej 203, A great place to to see old cars.
- Graabroedre Kloster-Greyfriars abbey , Graabroedre Plads 1, Franciscan monastery was founded in 1235 as a centre for the mendicant friars. it was converted into a hospital .Today it is a Housing foundation for senior citizens and, as a rule, the walled grounds are not accessible to the public
- Ansgar Church, urban church ,Sdr. Boulevard 1, built in 1902 in roman style and named after the first apostle in Scandinavia.
- Fredens Kirke , Skibhusvej 162, The Church of Peace was built in 1920 , The church is designed by architect Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint.The parlor open for guided tours.
- Besaettelsesmuseum Fyn , Lufthavnvej 136, small war museum 12 km from Odense , about Stutzpunkt Beringe, where German soldiers built during World War II an airfield, now known under the name of Hans Christian Andersen Airport. , The nearby bunker can be visited.
- The Mermaid , Munke Mose, Sculpture : The Mermaid was inspired from one of Hans Christian Andersens most well-known fairy tales about the little mermaid.
- Fyns Militaerhistoriske Museum , Dannebrogsgade 1, Funen Military History Museum , limited opening times because they are building a new museum.
- Nonnebakken , is a hill in Odense area , and the site of one of Denmark’s six former Viking ring castles , built during the reign of Sweyn Forkbeard- king of Denmark from 986 to 1014.
- Power- Justice and Wisdom ,Flakhaven 2, On the central square of the city stands this Sculpture / Kulturbotanisk Have , Sondergaards Haver, A public garden plants and trees to find Cultural botanical interesting
- Echo -Bronze statue , H.C. Andersen Haven, / The Battle of the Sexes – Statue ,Kongens Have,
Activities : visit the Egeskov Castle, Draculas crypt , bikes, kids play, nature or walking / Hiking , go to the South of Fyn and try out the 220 km long trail Ohavssti -Archipelago Trail- / sightseeing / photo opportunities – Magical Pyrenees photography / walk in Afgrunden Ved Vissenbjerg , There are 3 routes you can do (red 2,5km , blue 3 km and green 7km) / experience Skydiving , at Odense Skydivingcenter / shopping therapy /
Odense Golfklub / Odense Go Kart / Beautiful parks for relaxing stroll / Brandts Klaedefabrik a former industrial complex with fantastic shopping possibilities / friluftsbadet , outdoor swimming pool,beach volley and a kiosk / The Marguerite Route , The Marguerite Route is 3600 km long and covers some of the most beautiful parts of Denmark / Casino Odense / Aquatic World /
walking , Find over 73 of the best walking routes in Odense / Cycling , Odense features 540 km bicycle paths , While you are in Odense you can use the free city bikes / Follow the Hans Christian Andersen Trail , Fifteen castles and manors on Fyn feature on the route / Excursions and day trips / Health and fitness / Discover Public art and architecture
Events :
- The Hans Christian Andersen Parade, performs at the fairy tale castle stage in the Andersen Garden ,29/06/19-10/08/19 Monday-Saturday 11:00,29/06/19-10/08/19 Monday-Saturday 13:00
- Tinderbox Music Festival , multi-genre music festival in Odense , at Tusindarsskoven forest with electronic, pop, rock, indie and urban 27 jun. 2019 – 29 jun. 2019
- Odense Harbour Culture Festival , cultural festival at Odense Harbour , 25-28 of may .
- Ed Sheeran Concert , Opening hours / Date : 27/07/2019 – 27/07/2019 Saturday,28/07/19 – 28/07/19 Sunday
- Odense Flower Festival , flower decorations- art, culture and entertainment,15/08/19 – 18/08/19 Thursday – Sunday
- Hans Christian Andersen Festivals , Christian Andersen Festivals offer fairy tales, imagination, adventure and wonder.19/08/2019 – 25/08/2019 Monday – Sunday
- Jam Days Odense Music Festival , musical experiences ,concerts with Danish and foreign bands 07/08/2019 – 09/08/2019 Wednesday – Friday
- Spoken Word Festival in Odense , festival showcases story telling – stand-up .storyslam, rap, lectures, poetry, poetry slam, work shops, 14/08/19 – 24/08/2019 Monday – Sunday
- Odense International Film Festival , film programme with thought-provoking experiences, debates, workshops, concerts and much more ,26/08/19 – 31/08/19 Monday – Saturday
Go next : Kolding / Christiansfeld / Kerteminde / Ringe / Middelfart / Nyborg / Fredericia / Copenhagen