The Dobšiná Ice Cave is located in the southern area of the Slovak Paradise National Park, north of the village of Dobšiná in Slovakia. it is the largest ice cave in Slovakia and one of the most famous ice caves in the world.
It was discovered on June 15, 1870 by citizens of Dobschau, Eugen Ruffíni , Andreas Méga, Gustav Lang and Nándor Fehér, who climbed into a mysterious crevice from which an icy draft had always blown. Just a year later, thanks to enthusiastic local residents, the cave was opened to the public. In 1887 it was one of the first in Europe to be electrically illuminated.
Dobšiná Ice Cave is one of the largest and most interesting of the few ice caves in Europe. It also gives its name to a district of Stratená.In 2000, the cave was added to the UNESCO natural heritage as an extension of the serial World Heritage Site Caves in Aggtelek and Slovak Karst.
Access : Coordinates: 48.871944, 20.294722 / The Dobšiná Ice Cave located in the Stratenská Hornatina, on the northern slope of the Duča limestone hill, not far from the mining town of Dobšiná in the Slovak Paradise National Park.
Highlights :
- The total length of the cave is 1,483 m. Of which 515 m is open to the public from May to September. Ice Cave has long been known as the “Cold Hole”.
- In the 1950s, the famous Czechoslovak ice skater Karol Divín and the Czechoslovak national ice hockey team trained in the Great Hall, along with other figure skaters.
- The temperature in the “Great Hall” ranges from -3.8 °C in winter to +0.5 °C in summer. The ice thickness is 26.5 m.
Go next : Dobšiná , a small town in eastern Slovakia, It is located in the west of the region, near the border with the Banská Bystrica region and Hungary.